Friday, April 27, 2012

Reddit Becoming More anti-Libertarian

I keep telling people that healthcare is just a giant, government created cartel, but nobody wants to listen to my "crazy" libertarian views.

One of the only sensible comments in the thread. 

More and more, most Reddit readers sound quite vested in maintaining the status quo. Any free market or libertarian concepts that come up are met with substantial opposition, including individual liberty in the face of an authoritative regime in the US. Are they actually opposed to promoting liberty?

Given the success of the Occupy movement motivating such large masses, I am saddened that the majority want to keep doing what has so obviously been outright failure.

Most Reddit readers just don't get it, and are caught up in the failed Left-Right paradigm. They believe that simply swinging the pendulum of power back to the other side with fix all of our problems, but history proves otherwise. 

Left and Right are both wrong

Gotye - Some Study That I Used To Know

Gotye sings about losing what’s most important to us all: basic math and spelling skills
(Source: College Humor)

Some Study That I Used To Know Gotye sings about... | CollegeHumor Staff Blog

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Attacker says anger over Trayvon Martin fueled beat-down

WTF, seriously!? What a sick excuse for initiating violence against another human. This guy likely would use any excuse to blame society for his actions rather than to be held accountable himself. 

New York Daily News

Attacker says anger over Trayvon Martin fueled beat-down
New York Daily News
By Philip Caulfield / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Alton Hayes told police he robbed and beat a white man last week because he was upset about the Trayvon Martin case. A black man in suburban Chicago told police he jumped a white man last week [...]

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mandatory Seat Belt Laws Cause Dangerous Driving, and Invade Privacy

Synopsis: House Bill 99-1212, which makes driving or riding in a car without a seat belt into a "primary" traffic offense, is yet another attempt to control peoples own decisions about risk taking. Research shows that when reckless drivers are forced to buckle up, they drive even more recklessly. Thus, careful drivers (who wear seat belts by choice) are endangered. Moreover, mandatory seat belt laws also increase the risk that minorities or other groups will be victimized by pretextual traffic stops.

What the Bill Does: This bill makes failing to wear a seat belt a more serious offense. At present, drivers are not cited for failure to wear a seat belt unless they are stopped for some other reason. This bill would make failing to wear seat belts a primary offense, meaning that police officers could stop vehicles and write citations whenever they see the seat belt law being violated. The bill makes the driver responsible for a Class B traffic infraction unless he, and all front seat passengers, are wearing seat belts.

Discussion: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that wearing a seat belt in an automobile accident reduces the risk of serious injury or death by roughly 50 percent. NHSTA argues that if the U.S. could achieve the 85% seat belt use rates enjoyed in "other countries," 5,421 fewer people would have died in motor vehicle accidents in 1996. These estimates are based on police-reported restraint use information for each individual occupant fatality, and include potential lives saved in all seating positions. Proponents of increasing the penalty for not using seat belts claim that increasing penalties increases usage, and that increased usage lowers traffic injuries and deaths.

Some states already have primary offense laws. A survey of seat belt use among the fatally injured suggests that seat belt use in that group was 15 percent higher in states with primary offense enforcement laws. In 1996, states that treated seat belt use as a primary offense reported that seat belts were used 74 percent of the time. States that treated seat belt use as a secondary offense reported usage rates of 61 percent.

Unfortunately, data like these fail to show that making seat belt usage a primary offense decreases traffic injuries and fatalities. In fact, no jurisdiction that has passed a seat belt law has shown evidence of a reduction in road accident deaths. To explore this odd but highly robust finding, experimenters asked volunteers to drive five horsepower go-karts with and without seat belts. They found that those wearing seat belts drove their karts faster. While this does not prove that car drivers do the same, it points in that direction.


Contrary to popular belief, mandating the use of seat belts does not decrease the risk of injury. It actually has the opposite effect, since people tend to drive in a less safe manner believing that the seat belts provide additional security. Accident rates were the lowest relative to the volume of overall drivers before seat belts were even introduced, let alone mandated by the State.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Five hours studying yesterday, four hours today, and still having a feeling trigonometry and calculus are just not my strong suit...

Yes, I recognize that there are real-world applications for many of these principles, but I just don't see those principles being related to my primary roles in the future.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Vintage Lolcats

If you think the notion to slap cutesy epigrams on top of photographs of kittens originated with the internet, think again. Deranged cat pictures have been around since the early days of photography. Once humans got their hands on cameras, the dignity of the domesticated feline was forever doomed. More » 


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Text Message Spam

PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iOS 5.1//EN
This is just fraking annoying. I am now getting spam via text message on my mobile phone. 

You have just won a free $1000 Walmart Gift Card, Enter Code "FREE" at

(details apply)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

If Facebook were invented in the 90s


Dust off that Windows 95 disc, the faux science show Wonders of the World Wide Web takes a look at how cool Facebook would have looked if it was invented a decade earlier.

Original Page:

US woman 'called 911 to complain about bad food'

A US woman was arrested after she called 911 twice to complain about a substandard fast food, WRCB-TV reports.

Only in America, and only in Tennessee...

Original Page: