Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rush Limbaugh: 'You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun'

I'm not even sure Wtf to file this under, so I'll just let Rush speak for himself:

"Well, it's a good point. You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun."

Apparently others have stopped trying to find reason in Limbaugh and simply quote his insanity verbatim. It appears to be a bit more effective:

"It's only been a month since I decided that simply quoting Rush Limbaugh verbatim is the easiest way to discredit him, and the best way to force his apologists to confront the ugly reality of his indefensible program. I didn't think I'd revisit it so quickly [...]"

Why would anyone listen to this garbage?


Saturday, January 5, 2013

WTF is Wrong with Russian Drivers?!

So, I'm trying with great enthusiasm and time to sort out why drivers around the world are horrible, but those in Russia take the cake. And off all the Russian failures to learn how to drive, why is there one outstanding common feature? I'm talking about the Lada Riva (and some similar models).

This boxy little shitbox is the modern equivalent to the Trabant, a failure in design, execution, and management (let's allow the private market supply goods and services, unencumbered, shall we?). I'd hate to understand why this sort of vehicular failure could happen with such frequency.

So often, there is a Lada or Trabant (if any survived the collapse of paper money) involved in the accident, even if as a witness to the destruction of it's kind. They are either turning left in a right-turn lane, or trying to pass on the sidewalk, all before being involved in the destruction of property and sometimes life. I can't imagine anyone with any other choice would choose one...

I have a theory that these sort cars cost about a day's (heavily subsidized) pay, are worth about that, and those deciding to start driving have zero requirement to actually know how to drive, which many Russians apparently never bothered to learn.

I would have hoped for a world in which these individual examples of the less favorable traits in our species would simply be allowed to reduce them from the genetic equation. What's wrong with letting Darwin prove his theory? If he was wrong, we have Idiocracy to look forward to. If he was right, we'd better sure as hell allow those without the survival ability to fade into our collective past. Just don't piss off any crazy Russians.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sperm Donor Must Pay Child Support

How does this make sense at all?

A Kansas man who donated his sperm to help father a child for a lesbian couple has been ordered by the state to pay child support for the daughter he helped conceive. William Marotta, 43, responded to a Craigslist ad in 2009 by Angela Bauer and Jennifer Schreiner and signed a contract relinquishing parental rights. After a significant illness prevented Bauer from supporting the child, the Kansas Department for Children and Families requested the donor's name and pursued him for support.
