Monday, August 5, 2013

You had me at Florida... Wood Chipper Edition!

I am generally not one for prohibitions, but there is a trend in Florida of people being killed by wood chippers:
Roziland Jennifer Mowell, 24, of Lakeland, was working with a crew from Ashbranch Tree Service on Wednesday when she became caught in the chipper, police said. Mowell's husband, R. Bryan Mowell, owns the tree service company. Lakeland woman killed in wood chipper 3/20/03

TAMPA - A Tampa tree trimmer is dead after one mistake left him fighting against the force a wood chipper, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said.
Tree trimmer killed in wood chipper accident

On July 6, 2000, a 14-year-old youth (the victim) working as part of a tree-trimming crew was fatally injured while feeding a limb into a drum-type wood chipper
NIOSH FACE Program: In-house Report 2000-21 | CDC/NIOSH

Using his hands for support, the man climbed into the chipper and kicked the branches through.In an instant, the machine pulled half his body through its blades, killing him before he could cry for help, said Hillsborough County sheriff's Lt. Fred Asteasuainzarra, who described the accident Thursday evening.
In January 1999, a 22-year- old man died in Valrico when he used his foot to free a branch stuck in a chipper. Joshua Avery of Dover worked for Farrens Tree Surgeons. 
In March 2003, a 24-year-old woman died in a similar accident. Roziland Jennifer Mowell, whose husband owned Ashbranch Tree Service, died in Lakeland when she became caught in a chipping machine.

Then again, perhaps its their way of Darwinning themselves for the benefit of the species...