Thursday, September 12, 2013

Difference between MPT and NPT threads?

Trying to sort out plumbing acronyms, and someone isn't helping:

I still dont understand because I have NEVER seen a pipe with either a penis or a vagina. Have you?    <lol> 
(I did see several pipes that had nipples though, so I instantly knew they were female) !!!!!!!!!!!!    :)
Just to confuse things. MPT is a subset of NPT. Because NPT can be MPT or FPT. So, they aren't totally interchangable. Not to be a PIA, cause a MPT would go nicely into a same size FPT, but can't guarantee that a MPT would go into a NPT, only if it's a FPT NPT. If it were a MPT NPT, that wouldn't work. So, if you have a NPT FPT on your SUV, you need a MPT NPT, or you'll be SOL. KWIM? Then, you'll need a BFG, or  BFH.

Difference between MPT and NPT threads?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Only Retards Send their Kids to Public School and Criticize Private Schools

For no good reason, a blogger (I refuse to refer to people like this as authors) claims that even bad public schools are better than even the best private schools because education is a social good, while admitting that she learned very little in public school. She is okay with funding public school through theft, but also wants the right to criticize everyone else when she sends her kids to private school. 

She went full retard.

Never go full retard.