Monday, July 30, 2012

What You're Saying About Tosh.0

Featuring some of the latest Twitter and Facebook comments about Tosh.0.

I'm in if you turn that air down a bit.

Original Page:

Awkward and Funny Beach Moments

Typical Statist

Still (willingly) caught up in the false Left-Right paradigm...

Olympic Sex

The ancient Greeks believed athletes should avoid sex before sport, but modern Olympians and scientists are torn over the merits of in-competition coitus and whether abstinence enhances performance.

The Olympics are sexualized, and always have been. Olympians originally performed in the nude during a period where sex was a major and open part of the culture. 

Original Page:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Autotune Bob Ross

The same folks who made the enormously popular Mr. Rogers "Garden of Your Mind" remix for PBS are back, this time taking on everyone's favorite TV art teacher. No matter how much you liked Bob Ross beforehand, his adorableness quotient will grow tenfold after watching this video.

Original Page:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I don't need another drink...

...but I think I'll have one, just the same.

Gods and Religion

I am atheist myself, yet respect the faith of others as I believe that the existence or nonexistence of a god or gods is beyond us. Just as religion fails to present tangible proof beyond doubt to defend the existence of god to non-believers, atheists are equally unable to disprove that existence. I have faith in my position, but despite the absence of religion or gods in my belief structure, it is a faith in my beliefs which drives my actions.

To those who believe in a god or gods, that is a liberty which should never be questioned or infringed by anyone with differing views. We all encounter opportunities in life to defend our beliefs and challenge those with differing views, but without concrete evidence to refute either position, we present little more than personal, biased opinions. And thank gods for that diversity and liberty to make those individual choices. The logical fallacy is that either position can be wrong or right without evidence.

On the other hand, if the bible were God's book, why would he not give it to everyone? What loving god would choose to spite, damn to hell, or send followers to to do harm nonbelievers?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Twelve Seats Just Opened Up

James Holmes meme | quickmeme

James Holmes meme | memegenerator

Bitch on a Donut Run

This goes out to Christopher Titus. Keep helping to wake up the sheeple. 

Let me start out by saying that Left and Right are both wrong. 

Now, on to the news. 
Another increasingly-rare, yet ever-increasingly-reported instance of violence against innocent fellow sheeple in a gun free zone led to the loss of twelve lives in Colorado last week. If anyone doubts that gun laws are effective, they only have to discount reality, heavily. Like buy-one-get-ten-free discounted. 

Does anyone believe that just because statistical data shows gun ownership is increasing, while violent crime is decreasing, could actually correlate? Does anyone believe making something illegal makes it go away, or that someone else enjoyed that something without hurting anyone else? Wow, crimes with no victims? Sounds like fascism in full swing...
There are always generally more laws, it's what keeps politicians in business. Despite increasing volumes of convoluted and unconstitutional laws impeding natural, human rights, somehow people are still violent against each other, on occasion. It's in the genes. 

We died before we were born and we waste the time we have been spared to live. No wonder so many collapsitarians believe we won't survive. 

The definition of a criminal is one who commits an act of crime. I thought it was a simple premise as well, I fear few can muster that level of cognitive disention. It's like winning by default; I'm still a loser. 

Fight for your fucking lives people. Lest it no longer be yours when you wish to exercise the free will upon which you allowed encroachment, albeit rather slowly. We the People hold the final power to nullify bad law and despotic regimes. ...then they came for me and there was no one left...

And if some evil fucktard zombie jumps out and starts doing harm to others? Get some live tactical experience. And take responsibility for the safety of you and those near you. Law enforcement is not responsible for public safety, they react to criminal breaches of the peace. And remember kids, when seconds and lives matter, police are only minutes away...

It's a hell of a lot better than being someone's BITCH ON A DONUT RUN. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Spidey Sense

What a Joker!


I hate Walmart, but give them credit for success when governments try
to manage all private transactions. And they are always out of

Dear Blank

Dear annoying girl in my English class,

Thank you for telling everyone that I gave you mono just because you were sick after I was sick. Get it right!

Sincerely, I had pneumonia, not mono!

Original Page:

Bieber Stretched

This is the only way I can listen to Bieber, stretched to 800% (and his music as well).

Justin Bieber 800% Slower - YouTube

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tragedies and Ill-conceived Gun Laws

Early last night I sat and watched Dr. Suzanna Hupp's testimony to Congress on gun laws after the tragedy at Luby's October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas.

Sadly, there was another shooting tragedy in Aurora, Colorado late last night, near another preventable tragedy: Columbine.

I am sure that many will call for increased gun laws, but as always these are hollow and fail to take into account the reality that criminals will not heed laws, that is their nature. More gun laws only negatively impact the liberties of law-abiding citizens. Calls to ban high-capacity magazines and assault weapons were proven to increase violent crime during the Assault Weapons Ban of 1992. There is a reason the Brady Campaign failed to keep the AWB on the books; it was a failure, a solution to a problem it created itself.

As Hupp correctly suggests, when a person commits these sort of acts, it is an illness, a mental problem that compels them. No law will prevent their intended actions, only the dedication of law-abiding citizens to protect each other in these situations. Violent criminals like these examples are like rabid dogs. The focus needs to be on those politicians willingly legislating away the right to defend ourselves from them.

Law enforcement's duty is to respond, by which time the tragedy is usually over. Many courts have ruled that police have no duty to protect, which can only lead us to understand that we have to defend ourselves. If this means breaking bad laws, so be it. A right the judicial body will never disclose is that of nullification. A jury can set a precedent and strike down a bad law simply by failing to convict a defendant of a charge.

It is statistically proven that allowing citizens to arm themselves decreases crime rates. All we need to do is consider the increases in violent crimes in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, even the United Kingdom and other locals to see that the solution is obvious if only we would consider reality instead of relying on emotional arguments and opinions. Gun control encourages criminals to commit violent crime.

Remember this the next time you consider abiding by a poorly-conceived gun law and ask yourself if it makes you and your loved ones any safer. As Suzanna Hupp put it, I would rather be charged with a crime, defending the lives of those I love, than to adhere to bad laws and have to bury them. This is why the Second Amendment was worded the way it is:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gonzo Gonzo

Step 1


Celebrity Mental Droppings

Jealous Much?

UFO X-Files Released By U.K. Reveal Desire To Weaponize Alien Technology

Newly released X-Files from the United Kingdom's National Archives reveal the role of that country's Ministry of Defense UFO Desk officers, what they actually thought about possible alien visits to Earth and their ideas on harnessing alien technology as a weapon.
There are 25 files, comprising more than 6,700 pages, that include UFO policy, parliamentary questions, media issues, public correspondence and, of course, UFO sighting reports. Overall, more than 10,000 UFO reports came through the special Ministry of Defense unit from 1950 to 2009.
"These are probably the most fascinating and bizarre government files ever made available to the public," said Nick Pope, who was the UFO Desk officer from 1991 to 1994.
Nick Pope explains some of the new U.K. X-Files.
"There's massive public interest in UFOs, and at one point, the MoD was getting more Freedom of Information Act requests about UFOs than any other subject," Pope told The Huffington Post in an email. "The files contain the usual mixture of policy documents, sighting reports, photos, sketches and papers discussing how best to handle the subject with Parliament, the media and the public."

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nullify Obamacare Individual Mandate

There are so many ways that Obamacare was and is wrong. If its a tax, the Supreme Court can not hear the case until after it has been levied, which would be a few years from now. Under the Commerce Clause, it is not Constitutional to tax citizens for not participating in commerce. Any way you cut it, this legislation is bad for consumers. At best, it will increase inefficiencies and costs to taxpayers. At worst, public healthcare collapses and proves free markets are a more practical and cost-effective alternative to public choices, especially where there is no choice for the public. Even Congress exempted itself, which speaks volumes. 

Under the Tenth Amendment, we already have 26 states opposing and leaning toward nullification this law, or tax, or whatever. Any way you look at it, government interventionism into health care only leads to a less than optimal result. 

Even Obama can't decide which it is. Or isn't. 

Even Oklahoma gets it:

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. Mike Ritze plans to reintroduce a bill to "nullify" the individual mandate in the 2010 federal health care legislation in Oklahoma.

"I disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling and believe that state governments were intended to serve as a check on the federal government," said Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is better known as ObamaCare, is an example of federal overreach and my legislation will authorize the state to resist it and ban the enforcement of it."

Ritze said his legislation would authorize the Oklahoma attorney general to defend citizens who fail to purchase health insurance against the federal government and criminalizes the enforcement of the individual mandate.

"My hope is that ObamaCare will be repealed, but I do not think that means we have to wait for the repeal to happen. Oklahoma lawmakers should do what they can to support our choice to make our own health care decisions," Ritze said.



Nullify in YOUR state. Contact your state reps and urge them to introduce the Nullification Act NOW. Or push them to pre-file for the 2013 legislative session. They Need to hear from you early AND often!

Get the model legislation here

Monday, July 2, 2012

Mexican Martini (Texas Style)

The pacific northwest is wonderful, but try ordering a Texas Martini and you get puzzled looks. Luckily, we have the internets to save the day!

Check out this drink recipe I found on my iPhone app, Mixology:

Mexican Martini (Texas Style)
  • 1 oz. Tequila Silver
  • ¼ oz. Grand Marnier
  • 3 oz. Sour Mix
  • 1 oz. Lime Juice
  • 1 oz. Orange Juice
  • Olives
Shake ingredients with ice until cold, strain into a martini glass with salted rim. Serve with a spear full of olives.

Drink Recipe provided by the Mixology team.

Download Mixology for your iPhone
Download Mixology for your Android

Go to the Mixology Web Site

If you find yourself in Oak Harbor, Washington, do yourself a favor and try Flyers restaurant and brewery. Good food, friendly service, definitely recommended.