Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gods and Religion

I am atheist myself, yet respect the faith of others as I believe that the existence or nonexistence of a god or gods is beyond us. Just as religion fails to present tangible proof beyond doubt to defend the existence of god to non-believers, atheists are equally unable to disprove that existence. I have faith in my position, but despite the absence of religion or gods in my belief structure, it is a faith in my beliefs which drives my actions.

To those who believe in a god or gods, that is a liberty which should never be questioned or infringed by anyone with differing views. We all encounter opportunities in life to defend our beliefs and challenge those with differing views, but without concrete evidence to refute either position, we present little more than personal, biased opinions. And thank gods for that diversity and liberty to make those individual choices. The logical fallacy is that either position can be wrong or right without evidence.

On the other hand, if the bible were God's book, why would he not give it to everyone? What loving god would choose to spite, damn to hell, or send followers to to do harm nonbelievers?

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